TQBA campers win big

The members of the 2014 HSNCT Champion LASA A team along with their coach, Jason Flowers. All four were students at Texas Quiz Bowl Camp in years past.
On Sunday, Texas teams swept the top three spots at the 2014 NAQT High School National Championship Tournament (NAQT HSNCT). Austin’s Liberal Arts and Science Academy (LASA) A team finished first. St. John School (Houston) finished second and LASA B finished third. It was the first time in the event’s 16 year history that teams from the same state took all three top positions.
NAQT HSNCT is the most prestigious national high school quiz bowl tournament; a total of 272 teams from 37 states attended the two day competition in Chicago at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare. On Saturday each team played 10 preliminary matches against teams with similar records. On Sunday, all teams that earned a record of 6-4 or better advanced to an elimination playoff. This year 104 teams advanced to Sunday competition and the three Texas squads were the last ones standing.
Of the 12 players on the top three teams, 10 have participated in the Texas Quiz Bowl Camp in past years. All four members from LASA A (Alex Freed, Ben Jones, Arnav Sasty, and Nathan Weiser), all four members from St. John’s (George Davies, Carlo DeGuzman, Claire Jones and Deven Lahoti) and two members from LASA B (Ethan Russo and Corin Wagen) have participated in previous years’ camps. There are still a few spots available at the 2014 camp if your students is interested.
Camp is a seven day-six night event held at the Tradition at Northgate luxury dorm in College Station, Texas. Students participate in a variety of events each day including courses taught by professors, teachers, and accomplished quiz bowlers, lectures on study skills and the theory of quiz bowl, group scavenger hunts, nightly tournaments, and more traditional summer camp recreations like swimming, biking, frisbee, and ping pong. Please contact cromero@texasquizbowl.org for more information.